Myntra Interview Experience by Rahul Gupta | Full Time | Virtual On Campus 2020


Online Test (90 minutes):

     The test consists of 6 coding questions and 5 MCQs based on DS/Algo.

     Coding Questions

      1. The janitor of a high school is extremely efficient. By the end of each day, all of the school’s waste is in plastic bags weighing between 1.01 pounds and 3.00 pounds. All plastic bags are then taken to the trash bins outside. One trip is described as selecting a number of bags which together do not weigh more than 3.00 pounds, dumping them in the outside trash can and returning to the school. Given the number of plastic bags n, and the weights of each bag, determine the minimum number of trips the janitor has to make.


     n = 5

     weight = [1.01,1.99, 2.5, 1.5, 1.01]

     The janitor can carry all plastic bags out in 3 trips :

     [1.01 + 1.99, 2.5, 1.5 + 1.01].


      1. For a given array of integers, determine the maximum value in the segment from each index to the highest index element, inclusive. After that has been determined, determine the number of times that highest value occurs in the segment. A number of queries will then be given, where each query represents an index within the array. Create a return array with one value for each query : the number of times the maximum value occurs in a segment starting at that index.
      2. You have just arrived in a new city and would love to see its sights. Each sight is located in a square and you have assigned each a beauty value. Each road to a square takes an amount of time to travel and you have limited time for sightseeing. Determine the maximum value of beauty that you can visit during your time in the city. Start and finish at your hotel, the location of sight zero.


     n = 4

     m = 3

     max_t = 30

     beauty = [5, 10, 15, 20]

     u = [0, 1, 0]

     v = [1, 2, 3]

     t = [6, 7, 10]

     n = 4 squares are chosen in the map, including the hotel at square 0.

     m = 3 bidirectional roads that connect them.

     Edges are between squares u[i] and v[i], and t[i] is the time to travel edge i

     beauty array represents the beauty values for squares 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively.


      1. An automated packaging system is responsible for packing boxes. A box is certified to hold a certain weight. Given an integer total, calculate the number of possible ways to achieve total as sum of the weights of items weighing integer weights from 1 to k inclusive.


     total = 8

     k = 2

     Output = 5

      1. A taxi driver knows the pickup and drop locations of people who are requesting taxi services. All the locations are in km from the starting point. The starting point is at 0 km. For each km travelled by passenger, the driver charges 1 unit of money per passenger. Moreover, the taxi itself is very fancy. Therefore, some people are even willing to pay an extra tip if they get to travel in the taxi. At any point of time, the taxi can only accommodate one passenger. Determine the maximum amount the driver can earn.


     pickup = [0, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12]

     drop = [5, 9, 11, 11, 14, 17]

     tip = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1]

     The way to earn the most money is by accepting passengers at indices 1, 2 and 5.

     The amount paid by the passenger at index 1 : 9-2+2 = 9

     The amount paid by the passenger at index 2 : 11-9+3 = 5

     The amount paid by the passenger at index 5 : 17-12+1 = 6

     The total amount paid by the passenger is 9+5+6 = 20.

      1. This i don’t remember exactly but based on string, prefix-suffix type.

1st Round : Technical Round

In this round after introduction interviewer asked me two coding problems.


- I told him the two pointer approach mentioned in the above link's solution. He asked me to compile and run the code on given test cases.


- He first asked about the main problem and then follow up the problem mentioned in the above link. I told almost similar solutions as mentioned in the link.

- This was an hour interview on code pairs.

2nd Round: Technical Round

Like the first round here also interviewer asked two problems.


- I told him the efficient solution mentioned in the above link.


- I told him the bfs approach given in the link, albeit its best approach is here(

- It was also an hour interview on codepairs.

Tip: Try giving the most optimal solution you can explain explicitly. If you obfuscated the interviewer then you are not making to the next round most likely.

3rd Round: Managerial Round

In this round interviewer started with his introduction followed by mine. He then asked questions pertinent to my project. My project was based on the Recommendation Engine. Questions were basically asked in order to assess my attitude towards solving a problem (Ex. Which algorithm you used for the project,  why only the former mentioned algorithm, what are its advantages over other algorithms etc.) and to check whether I have done it properly or not.

After this he asked my strengths and weaknesses, the challenges I faced in my internship, how I subdued those challenges, and a few others I can't recall.

In total it was 40 minutes round on Google Hangouts.

4th Round: HR Round

This round was taken by two senior HR.

In this round, they asked some typical HR questions (Ex. If your manager doesn't give credits to you for your work what would you do and 3-4 other questions like this). Further, they asked about my compatibility with staying in Banglore. Overall this was just 20 minutes round on Google Hangouts.

Tip: At the start of every interview interviewers ask to give an introduction, make sure to address all your strengths (means real strengths which you are really good at) and achievements in brief.

Tip: At the end of every interview interviewers asks whether you have any questions for them. Make sure to ask an apt question (for me it was the work-life balance at Myntra in all 4 interviews).

The result - Selected!!

Hope, You get selected too!!

Rahul Gupta


  1. Sir, can you provide me coding round's (iii) question or approach.? ASAP


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