CodeNation Interview Experience by Nikhil Sethi | Full Time | Virtual On Campus 2020



Online Test (90 minutes):

  1. Two Players Alice and Bob are playing the substring game.In this game, there exists a string A initially, consisting of lower case English letters.
    When a player has to make a move he/she has to chooses such a substring of A that is not a palindrome and removes it entirely such that characters before and after the substring get concatenated and they appear in the same order.For example, if the string A is “dabcbad” at some stage of the game, the player whose turn it is, can remove the substring “abc” as it is not a palindrome.
    The string thus becomes “dbad”. The string A thus changes after each move. The player who is unable to make a move loses. This happens when there is no substring in A that is not a palindrome. Alice starts the game and both players take alternate turns.
    Find the winner of the game if they both play optimally.
    (Solved Completely)
  2. Queries On A Tree
    (Solved Partially)

  3. You are given A queries. In each query you are given a C[i] number of glasses and you are also given a number B[i]. You are supposed to fill each of the C[i] glasses with an integer, such that the multiplication of the integers in all the glasses comes up to B[i].
    You have to count the number of distinct combinations of filling the C[i] glasses with integers such that their multiplication comes up to B[i].
    2 arrays P and Q are pairwise distinct if there exists at least one index where Pi != Qi (1<=i<=A).
    Find the total number of combinations MOD 1000000007.
    Problem Constraints:
    (Not Attempted).

Platform : InterviewBit

7 students shortlisted for Interview Rounds.

Interview Round 0 (30 minutes):

       Type : Telephonic

       Purpose : Project Discussion

       Description : Started with a formal introduction. Then he asked me to explain any one project out of those mentioned in my resume. It was an in depth discussion. He asked me many cross questions like about a particular thing that i have implemented in my project and why would i choose that over other things. What technical challenges did I face? And how I solved them? What was the team size? Basic questions related to technology I used, mainly the terminologies. (Like in my case it was related to Cloud, so a couple of questions related to that).

3 students were shortlisted after this round.



Since it’s a lengthy process. Therefore, I was placed in another company by the time it was complete. So unable to give the further rounds of Interviews.

All the Best! :)

- Nikhil Sethi

- CSE 2k21
